
Welcome to my webpage!

Let me tell you about myself: I am Associate Teaching Professor at the University of Washington, Tacoma where I teach courses in writing and literature, such as Introduction to Academic Writing, Argument and Research, Varieties of Literary Criticism, and Literature and Other Arts. Throughout my career at UW Tacoma, students, staff, and faculty have inspired me, challenged me, and encouraged me.  It is an honor and privilege to collaborate with my colleagues to build a university that is committed to equity and access to excellence for all students.

I received my Ph. D. from the University of Tennessee in 1989 where I focused on Modern British Literature, an interest reflected in my first book set to be published in 2017, entitled The Evolutionary Power of Stories: Virginia Woolf and Literary Darwinism.  In the spring of 2021, my second book entitled FemPoetiks of American Poetry and Americana Music: A Woman’s Truth, will be published by Lexington Books.

My avocation is singer-songwriter: I grew up playing the piano, got a degree in music and then decided to shift my focus to literature.  Since 2009, I’ve been learning to play the guitar and started writing songs.  Open mics have been my classroom, and I’ve met many wonderful, hardworking, generous musicians who have taken me under their wing.  I would describe my style as Americana–this allows me the freedom to explore different styles and genres.  My first full-length CD, Little Queenie, is available for both digital download and hard copy on Amazon.  My second CD, No Limits, is available on BandCamp, Amazon, and Spotify, along with a series of single releases.

This homepage will features my blog, which I will update weekly with snippets about teaching, writing, music, and book reviews.  I will also be updating my other pages with developments as need be. Click here for a link to my other blog, “A Few Loose Ends, Bits, and Pieces.” I will be updating that page as well!

Have a look around!

5 thoughts on “About”

  1. I am so amazed by you!! I remember when you first coming out to the jams and how nervous you were! You have come a long way and I’m so proud of you!!!! I look forward to hearing this new CD!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, Janie. Thank you so much for your kind words! I will bring some with me to singer-songwriter night this weekend at the Barn. I hope to see you there!


  3. Linda, I’m so happy to make a connexion with you here on FB, and to enjoy your music at the local open mics! The brief exchange on FB we had today about your teaching defining what it means to be human has never been more urgent. Music, of course defines us as well. Having lived in Appalachia and Alabama, I too have a love for Americana. Please keep us posted on the FB about where you will be next open mics. David Stehman (amateur lapsteel atemptee)


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